Trial and Error the Process of Creation





For this blog post, I’m going to be talking about the process of creation and why I disagree with the other 2 articles in response to Anne Lamont’s shitty first draft article. First of all, from my experience As an artist, I know how it is to create something. You have to get your rough sketch out first. This way you can properly map out how you want your drawing to look, then you do your line art or another better rough draft. This even happens in older animation and maybe even newer animation. A rough sketch of a frame is made that frame may get edited then there’s line art done and it gets colored. I think with writing it’s the same idea, get your ideas out and edit them later. I think George Dila’s response is not only disingenuous it’s a lame and pompous feeling. She says that she doesn’t write shitty first drafts but I feel like she just doesn’t want to call them shitty. Plus I believe no matter what your final draft in comparison to your first draft is always going to seem better. Then with the writer’s block article, I think it’s misleading to say writer’s block can be prevented when it can’t be all you can do is wait it out, and that is essentially what one of the pieces of advice Michaela Ramirez gives in the article. Creating something is about throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks, its about improving and working towards what you want your creation to be.


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