Half n’ Half




I write a lot. And by a lot, I mean exactly that. A lot. I have absolutely no idea exactly how many, but I know that it is a lot. I do know that in terms of my creative work it is over three-hundred thousand words of material. In terms of academic work it is probably significantly more. People (specifically my other friends who have to or like to write) have asked me how I deal with writer’s block. My answer is remarkably annoying to them too. I just write.

In reading George Dila’s “Rethinking The Shitty First Draft” I deeply related to it. I too like to plan out what I am going to write (mostly). I like to know roughly where I am going, and only sort of know how I am going to get there. This approach helps me with my own personal Writing Quota, which is five pages a day (this only applies to creative writing). Having a specific amount to do every day and knowing roughly what I am going to write helps me to get creative work actually finished, which many say is the hardest part.

The biggest difference between me and George Dila is that I am less obsessive. I operate on the fundamental philosophy that a bad thing that exists is inherently better than a good thing that does not exist. In this way I am sort of similar to Hemingway, or at least Dila’s description of him. I too prefer to go back and fix things later sometimes instead of just getting everything right the first time. This, in essence, is why I am generally unaffected by writer’s block. I do not get troubled by the idea of getting everything perfect.

Although it sounds like a non-answer, the truth is that I am sort of equally like Dila and Hemingway in terms of my writing process. There are times when I am a builder with a blueprint that I follow mostly, and then there are times where I throw everything at the wall and see what sticks so that I may try again. This consistent inconsistency has always been a part of my writing process, and it has not inhibited me yet.


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