Writers First Drafts



I don’t entirely agree with Anne Lamott’s article on first drafts. She made a point claiming that writing is not rapturous for her or other writers she knows. I for one don’t think Lamott can speak for others in this case. Writing is a form of expression and it varies based on the writer. Writing can be rapturous and it is for some writers. Ido believe you may have your moments where you’re excited to write and then other times you may feel bored or dragged to do it. 

I don’t believe that the only way to get good writing is to write bad drafts. Some writers may not even do drafts and just write straight through. So I would also disagree with Lamott, in which she stated “the right words and sentences just do not come pouring out like ticker tape most of the time.” Again every writer’s writing process is different therefore for some it may come naturally and for others they may need several drafts to properly get what they are trying to say out. 

Personally I agreed more with George Dila. As she claimed the revising as you write method. I would say I do the same. I’ll write out certain sentences or paragraphs and after rereading them I’ll make adjustments. I wouldn’t want to write a completely horrible first draft like Dial pointed out, so bad that you just have to start from the beginning with your second draft. The writing process is how and what works for the writer. 


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