First Drafts




Writing first drafts are always so hard. Lamott even says not every great writer writes with confidence or knows how to start. Our first draft isn’t always going to be the best. We make mistakes so we shouldn’t be so hard on ourselves if it takes us two or even three drafts. After the first draft our writing improves it gets better. If you think your first draft isn’t good you aren’t the only one. Writing isn’t easy and sometimes we don’t get it the first time.

Long on the other hand, believes people don’t write shitty first drafts. Saying this makes us feel shitty. I don’t believe this I know I wrote a shitty first draft, but that doesn’t make me feel shitty about myself. I know I have to work harder and write a better draft. Sometimes ur ideas don’t come to us right away so our writing may not be all that great on our first draft, but it isn’t something to get all down for. That is why there is editing to make your writing better. We just need to improve our writing skills maybe this way we can improve our first drafts. Writing shitty first drafts doesn’t mean you suck it just means maybe you had writers block, a bad day, or you procrastinated. I don’t take it literal and I feel like Long does. I like her idea of the writing process and how she connects it to nature and sticks to plants she doesn’t go off topic.


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