It’s okay to fail sometimes.

Alexus Yeakel says that failure is awesome. First reading that I was kinda taken back because who would want to fail? I know for sure I don’t. When I do anything I try to do my best. Or sometimes I just try to do enough so that I can get a good grade on that particular assignment.

After taking the time to actually read the article I actually understand what Yeakel was saying and I agree. In life everything happens for a reason. It is up to us to figure out the message or the lesson in the things we do.

Without ever failing some people wouldn’t know what it’s like to bounce back and go even harder to achieve what they are trying to. Yeakel also says, Failure is a necessary part of the writing process that should be sought out to reach creativity, risky thinking, and growth within our writing. There is no growth or courage to continue if there is no failure.

I remember this one time, earlier this semester when everyone in my Abnormal Psychology class got an F on our first paper. In our defense we didn’t see the directions for the paper until the next day in class when the professor showed us. But she allowed us to all do the papers over and I ended up getting an A. Not just an A but a 100%. The original paper I wrote I poured so much of my heart, energy, concentration and  time into. 

At first I asked my teacher what my grade would be like if I just left the paper how it was and she said not good so I ended up kind of doing it over. Wink wink. Really I just changed a few words. But the point is, pay attention to what you have to do and the direction because not paying attention is the easiest way to fail.   


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