A group of people with their hands on a tree branch.

Working Together and Failure

Failure is just a minor bump in the road to success. Writing is no different in this matter. Alexus Yeakel talks about this in Failure is Awesome. She mentions how people use “failure” and “mistake” to mean two different things when they are essentially the same. She says, “I recently had to look up the difference between failing and making a mistake; the conclusion is, there is no difference.” The crazy thing is that failure is an essential part of living. Yet, people are still scared of it. When I ask anything from my parents, I am still scared of the answer. But this is a natural part of life and it is okay to take risks. In life and writing, there is no point in holding back due to fear. Writing is a process and failure is a natural part of that process.

I love working in groups because not all of the pressure is on me. And it is also fun to hear the ideas and thought of others. However, I have not done much collaboration in writing; I did a few collaborations in my composition class. I did not enjoy it, though. My group did not do much talking. However, from the way that Rebecca Ingel talks about it in Writing “Eyeball To Eyeball: Building A Successful Collaboration, it can be a great experience. She says, “If you decide to work with your friends, it could be the best collaboration ever.” She points out that this may cause a strain on the friendship and the fact that the group might not stay on track. She goes on to say, “And what about those students who don’t have any close friends in the class? With these cautionary notes in mind, Howard’s students decided to be randomly grouped
together.” I can agree with this sentiment on the basis that I do like getting to know everyone in my class and I usually prefer the teacher to pick groups. However, when it comes to writing, I feel like it would be better to stick with someone that I am more comfortable with. I know that our writing would definitely be better this way. Ingel also mentions a lot of planning as far as making sure everyone is one the same page and setting a schedule for meetings. This is true, the group needs to exchange numbers or else, there will be no contact.


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