Failures and Eyeballs!

After reading “Failure is Awesome”, by Alexus Yeakel and “Eyeball to Eyeball. Writing a Successful Collaboration”, by Rebecca Ingels, both works give different perspectives on writing. “Failure is Awesome”, gives the perspective on how failure is a good thing. “Eyeball to Eyeball”, gives the perspective of how a writing collaboration can be hard, but it can be done! “Failure is Awesome”, even mentioned how Dr. Seuss was rejected almost 30 times, and how Walt Disney went bankrupt in his first try at a cartoon company. “Eyeball to Eyeball”, explained how John Lennon and Paul McCartney relied on their respect, mutual connections and goals to make their collaborations work.

In a way, both works shared how failure and collaborations can be hard in writing. I remember growing up, I hated to work in groups. I also hated getting a bad grade. Working in groups made me feel like I had to rely on hope. I had to hope that the other person understood the assignment as well as I did. If they understood it like I did that meant working together would be easy. I hated bad grades because I felt like that meant I didn’t know what I was being taught. I felt like I had failed. Over time I realized that group work and bad grades were just a part of life.

Group work is a part of life because it sets us up to collaborate in the workplace. We might not always like who we work alongside, but a task has to get done. Bad grades (failure), is a part of life because it is a sign that we have to keep trying. Dr. Seuss had to try almost 30 times before his work was published. We might get pushed down , rejected or put


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