Collaborative Writing

There’s no “I” in Team, but there’s one Collaboration.

Collaboration divides the task, and multiplies the Success”

“Turn and Talk”, “Think-Pair-Share”, “Group Projeeeeect”, (insert eyeroll). These phrases and words usually make me cringe. I don’t mind being responsible for my own flops, but being responsible for the flops of others can be super annoying. Not to mention the fustration that brews when you have a few ready to rock and roll and two or three others that participate just enough to gain credit.

Despite that gut-wrenching challenge to collab at times, I totally believe that a harmonious and successful collaboration can occur when everyone cooperates in creativity, engagement, and able to see and write “Eyeball to Eyeball”, as Ingalls expresses. McCartney actually coined the term ‘eyeball to eyeball” when expressing the collaborative writing process with Lennon. Their process was seen as functional and musical. Challenging most times, but it developed into Billboard Topping hits!

This chapter basically enlightens readers on how to collaborate productively and successfully. Engaging in collaborations are highly influential because we’re able to see ideas and views from the perspective of others. This process not only helps us socially, but provides us with the tools and experience for just about any career field. It prompts critical thinking and develops our approach for future content. Throughout my previous experiences with collaborations, I have noticed that there will always be some good writers, a few awesome presenters, and those that can envision and create without actually writing, but good + great = SUCCESS! Why be good when you can be great in collaborative efforts of goals, projects, and life!


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