Collaboration: It’s Everywhere

From one essay to another, there are so many ways to fail. You write for too long? It’s awful. Stuck on how to write a paragraph? It’s over. You don’t know how to even start your paper? It’s over, you’re not going to make it. Failure sucks, especially as a writer because when you look at an assignment, nothing comes to mind. When that happens, it feels like it’s not going to happen and you’ll have to force it out of yourself.

Eyeball to Eyeball

Rebecca Ingalls’s “Eyeball to Eyeball” talks about collaboration with others. Now that’s something everyone’s done before right? If it be for projects, or just for some general critics, everyone’s been there! Obviously, no one can exactly see eye to eye but hey, that’s a good thing. If everyone thought the same way, you wouldn’t be able to get better results on anything! Collaboration comes down to experiences, how good you work with someone, or how you work in general.

Let’s say you didn’t have the best time working with anyone when it came to group projects. Because of this, you wouldn’t want to actually work with anyone for projects, right? Your experiences matter a lot on how well you work with your partners when it comes down to it. Sometimes though, no one wants to work with someone else because they might’ve just done the entire project and that makes sense!

When starting up some sort of project, or even just talking about your paper and waiting for criticism, it’s best to keep an open mind. Not every person is the same nor is any kind of hurdle avoidable. One way or another though you can make it through any kind of issue. If it’s possible that you can pick people you work best with, then try pick those people.

When it comes to contact, make sure that there’s an established line of contact. You can’t collaborate with people if you can’t talk to them right? You have to make sure that you know what’s going on, what ethics to follow and what deadlines are to be met. It’s important that the group knows what to do and how to communicate properly to prevent failure. Even if you get stuck somewhere, you can always work things out.

Ultimately it’s extremely important for us to figure out what works for us when it comes to working with people and getting the best likely outcome. Even if you’re working by yourself, having input from others is also very nice and every once in a while it does help. To know what works best for you is the best thing you can do in these kind of scenarios.


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