The Power of Collaboration

In the article Writing “Eyeball to Eyeball” : Building a Successful Collaboration by Rebecca Ingalls highlights the importance and opportunities you will receive by learning to work in collaboration with others. This article was so interesting because you see the creative “backstage” of writers’ works. Rebecca talks about how being collaborative with others helps us in the long run as we work in our careers such as working in medicine,education, architecture, engineering etc. She says that working collaboratively helps express your voices, create change, by combining common goals you can help produce high quality work. 

I can agree with this because as a school Aide we collaborate with teachers all the time to make sure we get the students the best education they can receive at our school. We always share strategies that are working in our own classes that can help others in their own classrooms. We also share ideas, feedback and we also share lesson plans with the other teachers in the same grade level. By collaborating we can ensure successful learning in the classroom. 

Some tips Rebecca gave us to collaborate were: keeping an open mind, establishing a group contract, choosing a worthy topic. These were great tips because when collaborating you have to keep an open mind because your opinions or ideas may  not be what someone is thinking as well. You need to work together to come up with one solution that will work for everyone in your group. Choosing a worthy topic will work for everyone when working with a group that you all usually share common interests. A group contract is something that you should keep in mind so that everyone understands some ground rules. Overall, I believe collaborating with others comes with great benefits and opportunities.


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