writing Collaboration




In “Writing “Eyeball To Eyeball”: Building A Successful Collaboration” by Rebecca Ingalls creates a guide how to cultivate and maintain effective collaborations. She goes into detail about bow building those collaborations would result on building trust/strong relationship. The trust you build towards those around you will come with its benefits. It will make everything easier and provided a supportive environment where anyone within the group and feel valued and have their voices heard. When finding the right group of collaborations is trial and error because everyone is different and everyone can be a match. On the other hand some conflicts between to creators can make bonds stronger. Which can evolve on having a better understanding of one another.

Collaborations don’t have a designated leader but at time someone should be taking charge. A person who is good at being a leader would be to guide the collaborations smoothly. With time of knowing everyone I think you could bringout the strengths in the people you work with to have them at their best. What made everything easier to understand was that she used real-life examples which I found relatable. I would think of being in a random group for a project to work on those collaborations with people I don’t know. Once You have the tips and idea of how to build with people the process on interacting with people won’t be intimidating and more exciting. What she have came up with can be seen a valuable resource for anyone who is seeking for improvement.

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