Collaboration is key to expressing creativity with others!

Collaboration is Important

Collaboration is everywhere around us. In school, students can be assigned into group projects. A film takes multiple people on a set to create. A rock band requires each musician to add a piece of themselves. That’s the take away from collaboration. Everyone has something to add in a collaborative effort.

Eyeball to Eyeball

In Rebeca Ingalls, “Writing “Eyeball To Eyeball”: Building A Successful Collaboration, she uses the collaboration of members from The Beatles in their song writing. The collaborative process that went in with each of them adding to create the well known popular songs didn’t just happen over night. They spent countless hours trying out different things to get the write sound and lyrics to work. Just like with any rock band.

When I was in a band, we would collaborate by “jamming out” for a little before actually sitting down and writing a song. This allowed us to warm up and feel relaxed while getting in sync with how we sound. We each have our own parts to play in the creative process. The same goes for making movies.

A film set requires actors, cameramen, boom mic, lightning, screenwriter, director, and many more to just get a single scene finished. That’s a huge amount of time invested. With so may different people, collaboration helps everyone find their role and express their creativity.

However, there are times where collaboration is necessary to prevent one person to let their creativity go on unchecked. For example, the prequel Star Wars movies were all directed and mostly written by George Lucas himself. Well, comparing the quality of the prequels to his work on the original trilogy, the dialogue and stiffness from the actors left a lot to be desired.


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