A group of men and women sitting at a table with their laptops out watching a woman explain something while she is pointing at her post it notes that are on the wall.

The Next Level of Collaborative Writing: Exploring New Frontiers

Collaboration is key when it comes to writing, says Rebecca Ingalls. In her article, “Eyeball To Eyeball: Building A Successful Collaboration,” she emphasizes the importance of face-to-face interaction for successful writing. To work effectively with other writers, Ingalls recommends starting with a contract that outlines goals, structure, and expectations. Communication, meeting deadlines, and adhering to ethical standards are also crucial. 

To work together well, Ingalls recommends inventing and planning, getting unstuck, and checking in regularly. It’s important to revise the contract as needed and to reflect on the writing process throughout the project. Ingalls suggests a post-mortem review to analyze the project’s successes, failures, and personal perspectives. 

In my opinion, successful collaboration requires clear communication, structured organization, effective negotiation, and adherence to deadlines. By following these guidelines and working together, writers can create high-quality, effective writing projects.

On the other hand, ‘FAILURE IS AWESOME’ by Alexus Yeakel talks about how it is okay to fail in writing and how the writing process is a part of the process of failing. The book mentions writers like Dr. Seuss, who was rejected many times but never gave up on his dream of becoming a successful writer. Many college students tend to be too hard on themselves when it comes to writing, thinking that writing is a skill that you either have or you don’t. However, writing is a process that requires practice, revision, and continuous improvement. It’s important for students to view writing as a skill that can be acquired through dedication and hard work, rather than something that they should be naturally good at.


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