The Importance of Failure




The article “Failure is Awesome” by Alexus Yeakel highlights the importance of failure in the writing process. The article starts with telling the reader about how failure is an important part of life. Growing up we learn new skills, but it takes a lot of hard work to learn them and we often fail before we get it right. The example the article uses is bike riding, “Taking those training wheels off can be a horrifying moment, but reading a book or writing an essay about bike riding will not make the transition any easier. We get on the bike and try to find our balance. We fall down, we scrape our knees, but we all get back up and try again” (Yeakol 1). Failure is essential to learning new skills much like riding a bike learning how to write involves failure.

The next part of the article is about how failure is essential to creativity and innovation. People see failure and making a mistake as two different things. The reality is they aren’t, failure is known as the culture of innovation. Innovation and creative thinking come from failure which means failure is needed to innovate. Writing isn’t an easy process, nobody masters it over night. As Alison Carr states, “Writing is learned slowly, over a long period of time, and with much difficulty, and anybody who says otherwise is lying or delusional or both.” The writing process is full of messiness and failure. It is seen in every sentence we write. We write a sentence, we think its perfect, we go back find mistakes and correct it. Every time we do the sentence gets better and better. In conclusion failure is an important part of the writing process. It is the same as making a mistake, you dust yourself off and keep moving.


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