Failure is cool and all but its not awesome





I’m going to be talking about my opinion on why failures aren’t awesome. With this article, I have to say I do agree with most parts of it. I do also think that failure is a necessary thing for growth and it’s great for learning something. Plus you’re always going to be better at something that you failed a couple of times than something you already are good at. However, I personally wouldn’t describe failure as awesome. Failure sucks most of the time because Sometimes you constantly fail a whole lot before you get any better at something you doing. And when you fail over and over and over and over and over and over again it’s hard but possible to keep at something. Once again I do agree that failure is a necessary part of growth and that you shouldn’t be afraid of it. But I do think that Failure is a hard thing to be optimistic about. However, failure makes your victories all the better. That’s the awesome part, not the failure itself but what the failure Could be. Those are my thoughts on this article, I agree that failure is necessary and means growth but I think I would disagree on is the title, I wouldn’t describe failure as awesome because it’s not even if it means something better nobody wants to fail, At the same time though, no one should be afraid of failure because the great thing about it is that you get better from your failures.


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