

Sometimes working in groups doesn’t always work out, but sometimes it does. It really depends on the people you are working with. Successful collaborations are always the best because this means you were able to work with an individual or individuals equally. To understand how to work together one must understand each other’s goals and understandings to be able to work together. Sometimes collaborations are successful because you may not have that same idea as someone else and you learn and may see things differently. The article was very interesting because it was about how to build successful collaborations. Reading these steps can help especially if you are struggling with a certain group or individual. Not everyone works as a team player and maybe reading this will help you have a successful collaboration. I believe you must be on the same page as your group because if not you will just bump heads. No one would agree with anything if you gave different opinions and that will just be a disaster. If you feel you cannot work with a certain person or group, then chose someone else because that sort of dynamic will not end well. We also need to reflect on what we have done. Once we have a good group or partner have an understanding and the same goals do the work we must reflect and go over our work to make sure we agree on what we wrote about. Overall, collaborations can be successful if you understand each other and the work. 


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