An open notebook with a pen on it that is sitting in front of an open laptop that has different documents/pages open.

How Do I Find My Voice in My Writing?

There are so many different types of media that require varying types of writing and perspectives that it can be hard for a person to find themselves in their writing and determine what their voice and style are. Although finding one’s style and voice can be a task, it is important for people to determine these things because it impacts the quality of a piece and how it is interpreted by the reader, and the writer themselves. Style and voice also help to accentuate a piece and put pressure on some points more than others which can help to make the piece unique and highlight the more important topics within the text.

So, how can a person find their own style and voice? A person can embark on a journey to find who they are in writing by calling on various personal experiences and using them within their writing- even if it’s just minuscule details, it can help to further a piece and create a personal, unique depth. Using these experiences ensures that the writer isn’t afraid to face their fears or worries and they’re not confined by any concerns that they may have regarding their writing. Using small spurts of experiences not only begins to add a sort of personal voice and style to the piece, but also makes the writer more easily identifiable to seasoned readers due to that unique mark.

Using one’s style and voice is crucial to creating a good piece but, at the same time, it is important for a writer to understand when to sprinkle more of themselves in and when to withhold their vice a bit more. Knowing when to use a more professional and straightforward tone as opposed to a more laid-back and personal tone is crucial when creating an accurate, well written piece. A writer can’t use a more slang terms and improper speech in a professional or research paper or any kind of academic assignment because it won’t sound good, and it will look extremely unprofessional. A writer can still use their own voice and opinions in their writing, but they need to moderate how they use it, what opinions they voice and what terms and type of speech they use.

As Heine states in her piece, writing can occur in varying perspectives, it just depends on the type of writing that is being worked on. Through voice and perspectives, writers make themselves known due to their unique use of speech. In the case of working to find one’s voice and style, practice makes perfect and it’s all about trial and error and toying around with different flows and forms of writing. Using specific vocabulary can illustrate a writer’s style and depict the way that they want to be heard and observed. Revision is another huge step in the process of a writer finding themselves because it allows them to modify their piece and their speech to sound better or sound more like themselves. They can switch out a word with another or take out whole sentences so that they can better get their point across. Taking inspiration from other works of art can also allow a writer to determine what their style is and who they are in their writing- they can rule out what they don’t like and pull from what they do like.

At the end of the day, it is up to writers to determine who they are and become the writer that they truly want to be. Once a writer is able to explore and choose their style and voice, they become more confident which can be felt in a piece due to the feeling of being capable and proud of the work that was created.


2 responses to “How Do I Find My Voice in My Writing?”

  1. […] Finding my personal writing style was difficult for me. I knew it was important but I never took the time to work on it. I struggled with that all through high school. I wrote in a rigid way. A way that checked the boxes to pass but not in a way to raise questions or even be relatable. I continued to find problems with this into Community College until my first English course at Kean. I knew my reading supported my style. The journaling I would do reflecting on a day and about how I was personally feeling would be part of that style. But I never translated it until that course. It was truly the first time that checking the boxes worked in my own style. I think it had a lot to do with finally understanding how I write and what I need to do when I prepare to write even without the use of ‘I’. Sister Molly Heine’s article articulates this well. If you can learn to understand your style you can also learn when to let it shine or reel it back in a little. Using a personal writing style is a balance and when Heine talks about using it in research papers, I could relate to that after conducting two of my own studies so far at Kean. Both times, even when I am speaking about fact or experimenting, I am using my voice and especially my own personal vocabulary. Her article while it seems repetitive at times, harps on the pieces that create a personal writing style. One of the most important in that to me is reading. I tend to read a lot whether it is novels for fun or different pieces of journalism and sports journalism. Over time they serve as examples for what to do and what not to do. I sometimes even catch mistakes on an article that make me double or triple check my own work. Reading sports journalism is especially helpful since it is a topic for me that also shapes how I speak about a topic that I am literate in and in some ways am still learning to become fluent in. For more on finding your voice, check out […]

  2. […] me, my thoughts and ideas, and any kind of essence as to who I am as a writer. As I mentioned in my blog post about finding my voice in writing, I need to insert myself and my own style of writing in order for […]

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