Using “I” in Writing

I was always taught to write in a more formal, academic tone by avoiding personal pronouns and focusing more on facts and evidence. But Maddalena argues that using first person allows writers to establish a more personal connection with other readers. To do so, I have to share my own thoughts, feelings, and experiences. By creating a sense of authenticity and vulnerability that can resonate with others, this can be helpful for readers and making my writing more relatable. She also points out that using first person can help us develop our own voice as writers. By expressing our opinion. This can be important in college writing, where creativity is highly valued. She also highlights the importance of embracing subjectivity in our writing, and how academic writing often can emphasize objectivity. Our personal perspectives are what makes our writing so unique, different, and meaningful. With sharing our truths, we can create more engaging and creative pieces of writing. I realized that by incorporating first person in my college essays, it develops my own voice as a writer. So, since I attended Kean University, I write from my own perspective by injecting my own thoughts and experiences into my essays and writing if it is required. The article “I need you to say “I”” has shown me that using the first person in college writing is important because it challenges my preconceived notions. I always thought using the phrases, “I believe” or “I think” made my writing seem less professional, and personal. 


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