Photo of three people sitting around a laptop, one with a notebook and pen in hand.

Style and Voice




While reading this passage I’m not sure what was expected. I very much enjoyed how it was written straight to the point. Sister Molly talks about the use of “I” and how it’s not necessary when trying to insert yourself into your writing because when you write it’s automatically a part of you. It shows who you are through writing. It’s like sending or receiving a text from a friend, 9/10 you would read it in the way you or they speak. Their voice, their style specific to them, and who they are. Sort of like these blog posts, the writing shows my writing style and voice. I actually like writing for personal reasons, and I wish that we were able to have more freedom as writers academically. More freedom to fully explore and understand our writing styles, and find our voices.  I like to hope that my writing is somewhat down to earth but who knows, within time I may change my writing style. After reading this passage I definitely want to practice as Sister Molly Heine suggests, so I can be able to improve my writing and find my style. Along with improving the words that I use on a daily basis because I know that I’m the type of person who writes the way that I speak and sometimes it just doesn’t work. Overall I learned that regular writing, revision and reading will define my writing style. Style is how my ideas are expressed and my voice expresses my unique point of view.


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