


After reading Find Your Style and Voice by Sister Molly Heine, it resonated greatly with me how Heine would express the importance of finding your style. When Heine mentioned how you would ask how to write a research paper, that was the same for me in high school. The teachers would give the assignment, and to learn a small amount of how the research should be conducted was to stay behind at times to ask for help. When I got to my senior year of high school, I started to like writing a little more because I knew how to word and structure my paragraphs.

I followed the rubrics to an extent, but I also questioned them because in Sophomore year, we had a test that would have us write essays, and they would give a rubric on how to get total points. My friend next to me followed the rubric, and I wrote how I wanted in my style. Fast forward to when we got our grades back; I got a higher grade by writing my way, and he got a lower grade by following the rubric.

The moment that made me feel like I had some skills in writing was during the EOF summer academy. I was in a writing workshop, and the professor was reading my work. Her comment changed me somehow. I felt proud of what I wrote, and it is part of the reason why I’m trying the English Writing major. It’s hard work, but I know I’ll be able to get it done by following the style I believe to have. Heine made me understand to continue finding myself and always make time to improve.

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