Silhouette of a women yelling into a megaphone.

Style & Voice in Writing

Writing in the first person. We were told our whole lives that “I” is not something that should be used in our essays. After reading the article by Sister Molly Heine, she clarifies that although we don’t always use the word “I”, just the fact that we wrote something means that it is already a part of us. So what we really should focus on is finding our style and voice. To find your style and voice you need to be original in your writing, use life experiences, step out of your comfort zone, and write often. Growing up I was always one of the quiet kids, I was afraid to speak up in class and usually kept to myself. However, I loved to write. Receiving positive feedback from my teachers enhanced my confidence and encouraged me to share my ideas more. Once I was able to develop a process that worked for me, my opinions were able to be voiced clearly. 

Writing is all about balance, how much of it should be factual information and how much should be from a personal point of view (depending on the topic). It’s important to know when to use our voice and style and when to keep it more professional. Heine uses the example of jobs, you wouldn’t talk to your boss the same way you talk to a friend. The language chosen is what matters the most which is why we thrive with style and voice. It’s how we add our own touch to our writing without having to use first person. Everyone has their own kind, that’s what makes each piece of writing distinctive. Once you find it, you’ll become more adept in writing and more confident during the process.


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