The importance of Personal writing

Oftentimes, giving your writing a personal edge can be the thing that brings it up a notch. As Kate McKinney Maddalena says in her article “I need you to say ‘I’”: Why First
Person Is Important in College Writing” Although we have been told, at first to not use I, she says the opposite and to use it when applicable. If done correctly it can be used to prove the objectivity and integrity of the writing, the main defense for not using I. For example, when using I in scientific writing it states who exactly took the measurements. Using I also clarifies who exactly is speaking, specifically the author. Probably the most important reason, it allows the author to claim ownership of the argument, at least in terms of the article. It also proves the intellectual involvement, as the author shows their support for their argument. Using I can also shorten the words needed to state the same point in a sophisticated way. As this article states adding a personal edge to your writing can show your understanding of the subject of the writing.

Of course, there are times when it is and isn’t okay to use the first person. Some example of when it is okay is when the article is more personal and/or used for clarification. However, it’s a bad idea to use I when you’re going to use it once (the tone shift can be jarring) or when doing a science report (which focuses on facts). In general, it’s best to consider the writing as a whole before deciding whether or not I is okay to use.


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