Finding My Voice & Style




Whenever we are presented with the duty to write whether for professional or personal matters understanding how we write is imperative. As stated in “Finding Your Style And Voice,” by Sister Molly Heine, finding our voice is something that comes naturally. It demands that we come out of our comfort zone and to keep practicing writing in order to understand. More than that it demands we understand our style, when we must let it loose or rein it in so for the people that will be our audience. For we do not speak to family in the same manner in which we converse with employers or acquaintances. Writing in all its aspects in relative, because in who we are writing to and for demands that we control as well as understand our voice and style for proper self-expression to the appropriate audience.

I once wrote that writing is more akin to a mathematic system rather than something that just “happens,” and our words, our tone, voice, and style are the equations. But rather than being set and immutable as math so often is, our words, punctuation, and even intent are the avenue toward conclusions. Writing is about the author as much as it is about the writing itself, we need to understand how we are to voice ourselves and when we must let that voice out and to whom it is unleashed on. Who we are has as much influence in our voice as it does in the making of our style.


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