The Importance of Literacy 


Literacy is technically defined as one’s ability to read and write. However James Paul Gee believes language is too broad to describe literacy. Language has a direct relation to grammar and as James Paul Gee explained, not one person can be completely understanding and knowledgeable of a language. We can not master or perfect our ability to speak perfect grammar within a language. It is impossible. 

Cervetti argues that the literacy being used in k-12 schools nowadays has no clear understanding of why those literacy were chosen. Basically saying multiple literacy types should be used. The school system needs more variation when it comes to the literacy choices within the education system. “Multiple literacies can exist authentically and productively in school settings…”. Cervetti used terms like “multiple literacies” and “ new literacies” to make their point clear that variation is good. 

I know when I was in elementary school, middle school, and even in highschool I had a hard time comprehending some of the information in my Language Arts classes because I could not connect with the choice of literacy. If we were given more options that taught the same points I would have had an easier time grasping the information and my B’s would’ve been A’s. Overall what I got from these two articles was that there should be more variations in literacy to meet each student’s needs because not all students learn the same. Literacy is important because through literacy you can learn new words, and even learn new things.


One response to “The Importance of Literacy ”

  1. Chris Friend Avatar

    You conclude that, “through literacy, you can learn new words, and even learn new things.” That’s definitely true, but literacy should unlock more than just knowledge. It should even change the way you think or perceive situations. We’ll talk more about the relationship between literacy and group membership, where the important role of literacy should become more apparent.

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