Write to Problem Solve



Reading these handouts really got me thinking about what writing truly is. I love to write more than the average person. I am an aspiring sports journalist with some experience in the field. I also enjoy writing short stories and creating my own world. After reading both Wardle and Savini’s thoughts on writing, I have developed a new thought process regarding writing.

You Can’t Teach Writing in General

Prior to reading this handout, I would have disagreed with the title. I am very happy that I now understand writing in general cannot be taught. Reading this also made me feel better about myself as a writer. I find my sports articles to be a stress free writing process most times. However, sometimes I will start an essay for school and really struggle to put my thoughts together. Now I understand that context, experience and background knowledge are everything in writing.

I agree that pushing the idea of writing being a general concept one can learn “needs to die”. Overall, I think every writer should read this article and get a firm understand of the variability of writing.

Looking For Trouble

This read also really motivated me as a writer. I found that it simplified and explained a great way to approach any type of writing. Problem solving.

It was very helpful to see a step by step breakdown of a daily problem being solved and evaluated. Looking at problems as a process rather than one giant unfortunate issue makes it a lot easier to not only digest, but also approach. Now that I am aware of the specific steps to use when looking for trouble, I feel like I have another tool for when I hit a writing block.

Although this piece was more focused on academic papers, I believe this is also applicable elsewhere. The detail in which Savini broke down how to propose questions after you have the problem was very helpful in understanding what is next. Everybody can identify an issue and think of a potential solution, but often the steps in between are blurred or overlooked.

All in all, I am very happy to have been assigned these readings. With a lot of writing on my plate this semester, I will be sure to think about these as I continue my career.


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