When to revise




After looking into What’s That Supposed To Mean? Using Feedback on Your Writing by Jilian Grauman Grauman have brought point that I agree heavily on. One “Deciphering Your Feedback”, when look back at feed I put wo things in my mind how should I understand the feedback, and how the person would say it to me for a further understanding. Deciphering could be taken in different ways for an understanding for me I would re-read constantly t understand what the person could have meant. If I have to I would go and ask the person what did they mean from what they wrote.

The second point that Grauman made was “Deciding Whether You Have To or Should Take Recommendations in Your Feedback.” You should take someone’s recommendation if they’re better experience at writing, but not everything has to be followed because you also would want your writing to be your own. That’s when you start to think of when to revise. In high school, they would have us look over some writing the teacher prepared for us to find errors, but I would notice everything correctly. I have slowly gotten better at seeing things, but there’s still room for improvement.

Revising when given small details on what I need to revise also helps keep in mind what I would need to do in anything similar or different, depending on the assignments. When it comes to writing, comparing work can also show what you can do to make your writing better. That could mean using someone else’s skills and making it your own.

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