Without Authority




The understanding that I got from “Ann M. Penrose and Cheryl Geisler Reading and Writing Without Authority” was that Authority is something that we have control over when writing . No matter what skill you may possess in writing, there is one job that writer have to go by, and that’s to make sure their audience can understand. Without authority, I believe no one would understand what is happening in stories because there wouldn’t be any structure. When writing, we have to bring your thoughts to paper and have people see what you see in an easy way to picture and understand.

What can be taken away from “Identity, Authority, and Learning to Write in New Workplaces Elizabeth Wardle” is that your identity is like a voice. If you can’t find that, you won’t be able to structure yourself enough to have authority in your writing. It’s like a step-by-step process. For example, you would know what to say but can’t get it out because you might be scared to speak or don’t know how to say it for another person to understand where your mind is. This is why people would strive to get the opportunity and get taken under someone’s wing. To teach the proper way of things and provide them with more knowledge. Writing has a lot of environments, and you can’t make it on your own. We all need help at some point. I learned that Wardle has the proper mindset that can change how a person can adjust and improve their writing.

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