The Workplace



So much to dissect here. The first is identity and the idea that when you start a new job, your standing with your coworkers is yet to be determined. It’s not until a month or so in that you develop a sort of dynamic different to each individual.

You get closer to some then others, you might find a ‘work mom” or dad. This is the person that looks after you at work as if they were your actual parent, they can come off as hovering sometimes but you know their heart is in the right place.

You might find a ‘work sibling’, your so alike that you might even find yourselves butting heads or that other coworkers end up calling you each other’s names, even though you may look nothing alike.

Some people find ‘work husbands and wives’ where it’s such a dynamic that you make such a functional pair, but this cohesiveness applies strictly to work. Of course there is the rare occasion where you find that you have made no connections with any of your coworkers, and this will make your work life harder.


On the topic of authority, I have been toying with the idea that perhaps I have authority issues. Though after reading Wardle’s take on how the attempted use of authority over someone you do not have authority over backfires, I realize now that my instincts are normal. I sometimes find myself wanting to do the opposite of what I am told, but I am not this way with everyone and the reason why didn’t quite hit me until now.

It’s also come to my attention that Authority changes, especially in the workplace. At my own job I went from being the youngest and least experienced to being the person that they tell the knew hires to shadow. From asking all the questions to being asked all the questions, this of course took some time and a lot more experience. The article I think was a great explanation on how to adapt to your work environment, including an example of what may happen when you do not.


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