woman discussing feedback given

The Struggles of Feedback

When receiving feedback, I have often found myself feeling unsure about what exactly it meant or how to use it. Many writers struggle with understanding feedback correctly and have trouble incorporating it into their work effectively. What Jillian Grauman had to say in “What’s That Supposed to Mean? Using Feedback on Your Writing” aids writers with valuable advice and assistance in navigating the feedback process. In Grauman’s book, she gives tips on how to interpret feedback and use it to improve writing skills. She uses her own experience and expertise and provides strategies in order to understand the type of feedback and how to use it to influence one’s writing.

Throughout my schooling, I have experienced plenty of feedback. Sometimes I felt the feedback was constructive and helpful but some left me confused. I felt a connection with what Grauman had to say because I find myself being overwhelmed or unsure about how to utilize suggestions. A main point she made is how important looking at feedback with an open mind is. If we look at criticism with a closed mindset, there is no opportunity for improvement. By embracing constructive criticism and not viewing it as a personal attack, the feedback can be used as an incentive to improve writing skills.

Grauman encourages the reader that it is helpful to receive feedback from different perspectives. Gaining and utilizing feedback from peers and mentors can offer insight and aid development in writing. By now understanding that the person giving feedback’s intention is not to attack, I can use the advice given to identify patterns, seek diverse perspectives, and use the criticism to enhance writing skills and develop better content.


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