Improving your writing

Personally, I like to receive feedback on any work I do. Constructive criticism could benefit you and what you are working on now, and will work on in the future. Grauman shared how feedback on your writing pieces could sometimes be hurtful to the writer and unmotivate them on bettering their writing skills. Throughout her text, she shares great advice and tactics for improving your writing.

A great point that she brings up which I agree with is your state of mind. If you are looking at this challenge you are having with your writing with a negative mindset then you will have no will or want to make improvements. She recommends that you think of a time when you faced and overcame or improved on any hardships in the past and apply that same effort to your writing. It could be helpful for some, but also possible that other struggling writers, can’t apply themselves in that manner because that challenge they overcame in their past may have been easier than the struggle they’re facing now with writing.

Grauman goes into depth about the type of feedback we would normally receive on our work. The feedback format that is most effective personally would be in the form of reacting and coaching comments. I find that it’s easier for me to understand what the instructor is suggesting I change in my writing. Along with listing the various versions of feedback, Grauman also provides explanations as to the goal of every feedback format. All in all, feedback, in general, is beneficial when you understand and apply it to your future pieces.


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