image of group of people posing in front of sunset

don’t be afraid!

Writing of any form is a process filled with trial and error. Sometimes other minds are necessary to improve ourselves or our work. Receiving feedback it allows you to gain different views on you and your work. Because feedback is another person using their comprehension and thought process to critique and assess your work, it could allow you to think about your own thinking. If you as the author/creator, take the time to review and take in the feedback, it can allow you to think metacognitively, as stated by Jillian Grauman.

With feedback, there are different ways that it be given. Some forms include rubrics, in-text, or terminal comments. The form of feedback is usually at the discretion of the administrator of the writing task, but no matter the feedback form, the content is always key. Some feedback types to look out for as Grauman mentioned include coaching, judging, reacting, and other comments. Each feedback type serves the same purpose of giving the author new insight into their piece but being able to understand the comments is key as well. You want to know when you read something along the lines of “this transition is confusing” which is a negative judging comment, or  “use paragraphs to better sequence and group the formation for the reader” which is a suggestion that is a positive coaching comment. 

Despite feedback being good and helpful(which it is), your decision is solely your decision. The final say on what work is put out as the final draft is up to you. Just because feedback is provided, it doesn’t necessarily have to be correct and listened to. Feedback is subjective. As the author, you can review and take in feedback and disagree with what was said. Or you could listen to the feedback and misinterpret what that person was thinking when they wrote you feedback. All in all, review is a must and don’t be afraid of feedback!


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