Discourse Communities


Just when I thought I was all set with discourse communities Swales had to throw the word speech community. What is it with all these communities that I never heard of? After reading what a speech community is I was able to differentiate it from a discourse community. It is interesting how Swales is able to make you think and look for what is happening in any situation where language and text plays a part. You won’t be able to see any club, job, or hobby the same way after reading Swales article. He just makes you think all around. Reading through his example of his discourse community also helps get more insight because he explains how each category fits into his discourse community. He gives examples of each category and how his discourse community applies it.

Using Feedback

Grauman is correct getting feedback on your writing can be confusing. I agree with her in regards to deciphering your feedback. This is a good way to start that way you aren’t overwhelmed by what to do next. I found it helpful the she incorporated student examples. This made me connect to the reading more. Writing can be challenging sometimes and it’s not fun when you have no idea what the feedback someone gave you is all about. These are challenges that we all face and knowing how to use that feedback is helpful. There is so much more to the feedback someone gives you and we should be able to understand it and apply it correctly.


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