Reading/ Writing without authority.




Ah, atlas we have met our dear friends Janet and Roger. Upon our first meeting Janet and Roger have taught us so much. Janet has taught us that in my opinion, her way of writing is not a style of writing I would choose to use. She starts her assignment off by saying, “this paper will define…” instead of just jumping right into the topic. I don’t think it’s ever a good idea to start an assignment like that.

Roger has taught us to in my opinion, to kind of step outside of the box. I have never read an introduction like the one Roger has written. However, Roger uses words that the average person does not use. He uses words like “thereupon”. I have never spoken, read, or written that word I guess until just now. 

The main difference between Janet and Roger is the fact that Janet doesn’t feel like she has the right or the authority to put her own thoughts and feelings into her paper. Whereas Roger fights and argues the claims the authors made.

I think I’m a mix of both. I’m like Janet in the way she reads an article and takes the facts and talks about them but even with doing that I put my own spin on it. I never want to say word for word what the author is saying. I’m not giving a report on what the author said, I’m just referencing the author to prove a point. I’m most like Roger because I break boundaries and challenge the author. Some things are facts and can be proven and some things are just opinions loosely based on facts. We have to as readers and writers figure out which is which. 


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