Writing with And Without Authority



When looking to see how one writes with and without authority, there are many ways to look at it. In Penrose and Geisler’s “Reading and Writing Without Authority”, we look at two different approaches to this idea. Janet and Roger are two people we follow as they write their papers. It proposes that there are multiple ways for someone to write with authority! We get to see this firsthand in the snippets just how writing authority can look differently. Both in a professional and personal way.

Janet’s Writing

When reading Janet’s process of writing, it was really interesting. I found myself relating to her on several levels when writing at her own pace. It reminded me of when I was in middle school and figuring out how to write an argumentative piece. With how half hazardous her thoughts were to how she focused on the sides. She was also trying to keep herself out of the argument. There are also things that I’ve done that Janet has done. Like while being completely neutral, she still picked out issues with it. The way she approached it was personal but at the same time so hectic. It was like just listening to her thoughts more than reading a paper. But at the same time it was done well

Roger’s Writing

With Roger’s writing, it feels like he knows what he’s doing. He follows his ideas clearly, and professionally. It sounds like he’s a professor and have followed so many different trains of thought that it was very compelling to keep reading. Roger to me felt like I was reading a professional paper, one that I would read for a class or find in a textbook. The paper even says that this is what schools would consider a professional example of writing with authority and is what should be taught!

My Writing

When I write, I can relate to Janet. While her writing is still considered “writing with authority”, it still feels personal and a bit hectic. At times I can also see this happening with my own writing, and I only want to improve on that. Learning to write with authority is something I think that needs to be taught, so that way, people can have a better understanding to what it means. To write with authority should sound as if you have a good grasp of what you’re speaking about. Not only that, but there should be plenty of ways to talk about it and not just be on one side. This is why it should be taught so we can learn.


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