scrabble pieces spelling out "real is rare"

Authenticity in your Writing




After reading the Penrose and Geisler, article it made me realize that I can be both Janet or Roger depending on how much knowledge I have on the topic I am writing about. We are able to articulate our words differently based on how comfortable we are with the topic at hand so I was able to understand why both Roger and Janet articulated their thoughts the way they did. A big part of this is also how you process information in your own head. For example, Roger probably understands information better by inserting himself or someone else into the scenario whereas Janet may understand information better by stating all of the facts about it. 

The Alan scenario ties back into Janet and Roger because it shows that people write based off of what they know and it is hard to change your writing style. A person I can think of who reminded me of Alan is one of the old supervisors at my current job. She eventually got fired because of her lack of adaptability into our work environment however she did know a lot about the job. She had been there since the store opened and had a high position but because of her lack of communication skills her time there was not successful. I work at a children’s Spa so being able to communicate with the children in a proper way is incredibly important, especially to the parents. She was the same as Alan was, not wanting to switch and adapt to the way her coworkers were, which ultimately resulted in her no longer working for the company. I believe the common factor both Alan and my coworker struggled with is adaptability rather than lack of communications skills. Of course both people can communicate but it’s about how you are saying it, not what you are saying. 


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