Alan vs The Department



This week’s reading made me understand how easy it is to be like Alan or if I know someone who has acted like him. Alan was a computer support specialist who came into his new job believing that he knew everything, which began to backfire on him. But I think the department could have tried to talk with him and worked together to find common ground. They needed a person to come in and help with the problems that they were having, but they still treated him as if he was below them. Even though he was the new guy, he still was trying to do his job. But the way he went about handling situations and emailing his colleagues was seen as inappropriate and they didn’t like it. In certain situations, people can act like Alan. I have done so, too.

At one point, I knew a lot about dance and would try to tell people what to do. It again backfired on me when, one day, I went to teach choreography to my classmates and found out that I had been teaching it wrong the whole time. My team had to relearn the choreography, and I felt so bad like I didn’t know what I was talking about at all. I had to go and apologize to them because I did not know what I was doing. So you can be like Alan, but it can also be a learning experience. Overall, both parties could have handled the situation differently, and it could have been a smoother transition to help fix the original problems. 


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