What is Authority and why is Important





Authority in this case I believe means credibility, you have authority over a certain topic or thing because of the credentials you have. For example, in the article, it’s mentioned how there are two people Janet and Roger. Roger has more experience than Janet because he was writing something for his doctoral work while Janet is a college freshman.

This also ties back to what we talked about in class before as people in discourse communities have some sort of authority as some of them know way more than others because of the amount of time they’ve been a part of that discourse community. And things that they would say and do related to what the discourse community is about would be justified as it would have its purpose in that community. This is what I got from what I read in this article. From what I got Authority in this case essentially means one’s street cred and people who are experienced in their field I think would have authority.

I think that Authority in your work is one of the most important things in your writing. I say this because based on how I’ve defined authority from what I’ve seen, who will believe what you say If you don’t have some sort of credibility? Trusting someone’s word whos done the research, has a doctorate, or has lived through whatever they’re talking about will of course go a long way when it comes to someone taking what ever there talking about seriously.


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