Reading and Writing: Authority



I found this study to be very interesting. In the beginning, we were provided samples of both Roger’s and Janet’s introductions. Immediately after reading the openings, I thought my introduction would sound more like Roger’s. I felt this way even before learning the context regarding Roger’s experience/area of study versus Janet being an outsider.

There was a particular sentence early in the text that really stood out to me. The author stated “Roger seems to operate with an awareness that texts and knowledge claims are authored and negotiable.” I resonated with this approach, probably due to my area of study.

I am a sports writer, and one of the most important aspects of being a successful sports journalist is engaging your audience. Some writers chose to present opinions and analysis as fact based, almost as law. While that approach is essential to a piece at times, I tend to try and spark conversation while also making my viewpoint clear and concise.

The texts says Roger “makes distinctions, embracing or rejecting claims tentatively”, which is also something I feel I like to do in my writing.

In school, there are times my methodology may align more with Janet’s ways of writing. When I am less educated on the topic, I will take a less aggressive and more fact based approach when presenting information. I feel that it is hard to take the approach Roger does without having extensive knowledge in the field.

I am still trying to find my distinct style and voice for my writing. I am trying new approaches to pieces everyday, and I hope to one day find what works for me.


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