Author: CJ Petersen

  • A traffic light showing the yellow light

    Rules for Writers

    Stephen King gave important rules for writers to remember. Rules “know when to stop” and “show not tell” are two of the rules discussed in this blog.

  • stamp block letters scattered around

    Is Proper Grammar Worth It?

    While grammar is important, it can change the stories that are being told. No one should choose what stories are more important than others.

  • Document Design

    Document design is very important. However, it isn’t just about how it looks, but the content within the document as well.

  • Someone doing many things at once. Typing on a computer, writing and touching a tablet with four arms

    Multitasking and Social Media

    Multitasking and social media both have their ups and downs. Both can lead to serious problems, so is the pain worth it? They aren’t that helpful.

  • Group Projects

    At some point, everyone needs to work within a group. It is important to know how to get the task done in a timely matter.

  • Crumpled papers

    Being a Lab Rat

    It is interesting to see the lab rat’s perspective as it is something not often seen. Revising is something people may do without realizing.

  • Wooden number 2 pencils at different lengths

    First Drafts

    No matter what your writing process is, your first drafts will always need improvement. Just do whatever works best for you.

  • A person is writing on a piece of paper. They are surrounded by many different papers and they have a cup of coffee on the desk.

    Different Ways of Writing

    There are ten different ways to think about writing. I see writing as a journey or a conversation. My view has widened to see it as a mirror or building.

  • A sign saying "This is who I am"

    Different Writing Identities

    You can have a different writing identity, and it is all based on your knowledge. Are you fully in the conversation, brand new, or want nothing to do it.

  • Students in a classroom paying attention to the teacher net to the chalk board

    Discourse Communities

    Each discourse is a very unique shared community that only a certain amount of people take part in. You might not even realize you are in a discourse.