Author: nieveisa

  • Building Bonds Over Writing

    We all share similar experiences in life in one way or another. As a teacher these stories can make you connect through writing with your students.

  • Don’t be mean

    Is Grammar That Deep?

    Yes grammar is very important. It is important that we know how and when to use it. Should we be denied jobs if we don‘t know how? I say no.

  • "Together, we create!" on brick wall

    Making Your Work Look Pretty 

    Deep dive into the different elements of document design. Description of the CRAP acronym and modes of communication. Using both will better your work.

  • A stop sign

    Multitasking Isn’t The Answer

    This explains that multitasking could actually be damaging to you in the long run. Also why cellphones and laptops aren’t always beneficial.

  • Teamwork


    Explains that group work and team work is all key to preparing you for the professional world and makes your work better in the end.

  • Man writing out process and strategies

    Revision Processes 

    Discusses how each revision and writing process is completely different for each person throughout their own writing process when it comes to a piece.

  • Plants

    Writing as a Process

    This is a deep dive into shitty first drafts and seeds. One believes shitty first drafts are key to the process, the other viewpoint differs.

  • Flowers coming out of empty envelope

    Just Write

    Reids take on writing from a college student perspective. Key points on how writing is truly difficult when there are limitations.

  • Batman and superman

    Identity and Authority

    Discusses what exactly identity is and writing and what authority is. Both are equally important within your work in professional settings.

  • Swales View on Discourses

    Looking into Swales mind and his view on what exactly the differences are between Discourses and discourses. Also, the speech community vs discourse.