Author: Adamari Blanco

  • decoration saying "write without fear. edit without mercy."

    Writing a resume

    Have you ever had to write a resume for work but had no idea how to? Schall’s article helps us get started on how to write a conventional resume

  • Image of a typewriter.

    Immigrants writing in America

    Have you ever imagined if you were not allowed to be able to write your own thoughts? How different would life be if you had to live like Carmen

  • A phone shows the word design and its definition.

    Document Designs in Writing

    By analyzing the different elements in a writing piece we can create a document design that will work best to grab the focus of our readers

  • Photo of person holding a phone while also on a laptop.

    Multitasking and using Social Media

    Many of us may use social media daily and have you ever realized it’s teaching us basic college writing skills? It shows us engagement and etc.

  • The Power of Collaboration

    Many of us have probably collaborated with others but never really understood the purpose of it. Ingall helps us understand collaboration.

  • Navigating your Story

    Have you ever noticed that your surroundings and timeeffect how well you write your stories? Berkenkotter started an experiment that helps us see this.

  • Drafts won’t ever be perfect

    As writers we all can get caught in the moment with trying to write the perfect paper on the first try. But thats exactly why we hit writers block

  • Colors coming from pencil on paper

    Writing with a Purpose

    As writers we probably may have had writers block before. There are 3 writing principles that will make the writing process easier for us.

  • Using Authority in a new Work Place

    Has someone tried to have too much authority at your job? This creates a negative workplace because they may feel entitled

  • A person is writing a checklist and crossing off the ones completed.

    Adressing Discourse Communities

    Many of you never realized youre part of a discourse community. A discourse community is being a part of a group that includes 6