Author: michelb


    A Kings Taste

    Stephen King breaks down the rules to creating a successful writing piece. Meanwhile, Tim Gillespie gives advice to teachers.


    To Each Their Own?

    Kyle Wiens and Carmen Bugan show what it takes to have good writing. Is grammar all that matters or is the more to what should be acceptable?

  • Cassette tape with film unraveled against a bright orange background

    A Little Pizzazz

    Two pieces articulating how to improve ones writing. It starts with yourself and from there the author can understand their audience.


    Weighing the Pros and Cons

    Both articles relate how inefficient multitasking can be and how doing one task at a time can increase performance in that one said aspect.


    Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

    Rebecca Ingalls stresses the importance of collaboration in the classroom. Arguing how it benefits more then hinders if done correctly.


    Lab Rats: Exhibit Murray

    Carol Berkenkotter does a naturalistic writing study on Donald M Murray, an accomplished writer. He’s able to reflect on his writing patterns.


    ****** first drafts

    Each author gives their view point on the idea of what a first draft should be. Each author is very opinionated in their pieces.


    The Journey of thy Writing Process

    E. Shelley Reid gives students a strong foundation for their writing. Giving writers tips to be comfortable and confident in their writing.


    Identity Lock

    By reading Elizabeth Wardle and Ann M Penrose’s articles, writers can learn how to develop authority in their writing and find their identity.


    Swale’s Concept

    John Swales breaks down the reality of a discourse community and what it entails. Also the idea of genre and specialized language.