Author: Emma Goldman

  • A person with glasses is looking at their reflection in the window.

    Writing Advice

    Writing with a purpose it very important. One of the authors discussed how good writing strategies benefit a great outcome.

  • Poor Grammar?

    Writing with poor grammar leaves a lasting impression on others, especially when applying and considering interviewing for a job.

  • First Drafts

    When it comes to writing first drafts, it is okay to make mistakes. The first draft may be “shitty” but should never be thrown away.

  • two guys in front of a window reviewing ideas on post it notes

    Writing Collaboration

    By being open minded and understanding of others thoughts/feelings, allows for a successful and beneficial writing collaboration.

  • Technology Affects Productivity

    The first article made me realize that technology is a big issue within the classroom environment. The second article, the author taught me something new.

  • A person has multiple papers in front of them and they are writing on one of them.

    Shitty First Drafts… Agree to Disagree

    Anne Lamott seems to be all or nothing in her writing process. George Dila on the other hand, describes his writing process in another way.

  • First Person Writing

    Writing does not flow when using “I”, especially when first-person is over used. Young children tend to over use first-person.