Author: Alissa Damiano

  • Laptop on desk with open notebook in front of it with a pen on top.

    Improving Writing & Employment

    This article discusses the importance of practicing writing, even as a teacher as well as the important steps and ideas needed to strengthen a resume.

  • woman working on her iPad.

    Professional Writing

    This article discusses professional writing from the articles of two different authors and my personal opinion and belief on each standpoint.

  • Open computer sitting on table next to notepad, glass of water, and phone.

    Document Design

    This article discusses the modes of communication and how they can be used. It also discusses the importance of document design in writing.

  • Child staring at computer screen

    Tools and Productivity

    This article discusses the usage of technology within the classroom and whether or not the policies put in place can be beneficial to students.

  • Children sitting together holding shoulders

    Collaboration in the Classroom

    This article discusses the benefits of group collaboration in the classroom and the importance of establishing rules and roles within these groups.

  • glasses and crumbled paper on top of note pad.

    Revision and Planning

    This article discusses revision and planning within the writing process and how these methods may work for some writers but not all writers.

  • question mark drawn into paper with lightbulb around it

    Testing Different Writing Processes

    This article discusses how every writer has their own unique processes of writing based on different internal and external factors.

  • man covering his mouth

    Improving Your Writing

    This article discusses the key points in improving your writing and how to make your writing more appealing to different audiences and readers.

  • woman covering face with hand

    Authority & Identity

    This article discusses the importance of finding your identity within a community and using it to gain authority in that specific community.

  • woman typing on computer

    Obtaining Authority in Your Writing

    This article discusses the importance of obtaining authority in your writing as well as how to do so by using outside sources to support your claims.