Author: Julianna Cannizzaro

  • Opened book with bright light coming out of it.

    Magic in Writing

    Stephen King explains his. twenty rules of writing. Some of which are very eye opening to me as a writer. His perspective is very interesting.

  • Grammar sign on desk.

    There, Their, & They’re

    American language has become a very controversial topic. What some people see as unintelligent is simply just them being ignorant.

  • Document projected from computer being analyzed.

    Document Design

    Document design is a crucial feature to the success of a paper or any piece of writing. It can make or break the entirety of a story or discussion.

  • Brain working at a desk, while also doing/thinking a million different things.


    Multitasking is something that is so commonly praised, especially in my own life. However, studies show that it can be very harmful.

  • Group of people working at a desk to solve a puzzle.


    Collaborating can either strengthen or weaken a paper. If it is done correctly and fluently, the paper will be of great strength and expertise.

  • Revising Essay

    The Art of Revision

    Revising a paper is such a tedious task. It includes a lot of tweaking and perfecting. Personally, I do my best revising when I read my paper aloud.

  • Broken Pencil on Paper

    Why Does My First Draft Have to be Shitty?

    There is debate between whether or not writing a shitty first draft is crucial to being a good writer, however, being a good writer is very interpretive.

  • Colors coming from pencil on paper

    Writing Explained

    Reid explains that writing is a complex thing and is often made ten times more difficult than it needs to be by the “Don’ts”

  • Different faces in cubic form.

    Writing With Identity

    Identity is not often spoken about when learning about writing in different settings, but Wardle identifies how important it is.

  • two people using laptops alongside their physical notes to learn

    Authority in Writing

    The credibility of author can make or break the research a person uses in their own work. It is important to ensure the resources being used are credible