Author: Kevin Caffrey

  • Half n’ Half

    They say that there are two types of writers. Builders and Gardeners. Is writing as black and white as that adage makes it out to be?

  • Haven’t we metaphor?

    Metaphors are your friend! See how you just easily understood that metaphor? They make everything easier to understand! Here’s how they can help you!

  • Cookie Cutter Composition

    In Kindergarten everyone is told to be themselves. Little by little until college that lesson is revealed to have been a lie.

  • AUTHORity! See what I did there?!

    Have you wanted to wield the unmatched power of a vengeful deity? Have you wanted to vent your anger towards an entire universe? Become a writer today!

  • Good Writer = Good Reader

    A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor. In the same way, an overly polite reader never made a good writer. Good feedback breaks writer’s bad habits.

  • ¡Ay ay ay!

    Are you tired of having to phrase sentences weirdly in order to avoid first person point of view? So am I! See why in this blog post.

  • Literacy Week 2

    Ideas expressed by James Paul Gee in his piece “Literacy, Discourse, and Linguistics” are analyzed and expanded upon in this blog post.

  • Why Study Writing

    “Why You Can’t Write In General” by Elizabeth Wardle and “Looking For Trouble” Catherine Savini are analyzed, compared, and contrasted in this blog post.