Author: Elianna

  • Rules for Aspiring Writers

    Ever been unsure of how or where to start with your writing career? Stephen King’s list of 20 rules for writers is a great guide for assistance.

  • Different Impacts of Writing

    Would you give the chance of having a great employee because of their poor grammar use? Well according to Kyle Wiens, he would.

  • Formatting & Document Design

    You know formatting in writing is more important than you would think. One small change can make a greater influence for readers.

  • By: Marvin Meyer

    The Effect of Technology in Writing

    Nowadays technology has completely taken over in writing. The very thing we grew up using within the school setting, seems to become an issue.

  • Collaborative Failures

    There’s art in our failure. Mistakes lead to creative risks and experimenting. Writing is an outlet for each of those.

  • Revision Process

    As writers we all reach a point of revision and we may not fully know or understand the importance and impact of it on our writing.

  • Writers First Drafts

    First drafts vary for every writer. Some may need to write a draft in order to get a great writing whereas others may not.

  • A door in the middle of nowhere.

    Metaphoric Musings

    Writing with boundaries isn’t easy. In college we’re given rubrics to follow and think so deeply into, that we miss the essence of the actual writing.

  • There are a group of people gathered together in a room. They appear to be having an important meeting.

    Authority In Identity

    Wardle’s article brings awareness towards identity getting in the way of our writing sometimes. There needs to be a balance between identity and authority.

  • A student walks through a corridor of paperwork toward a destination without understanding

    The Power of Authority

    Authority in reading and writing seems equivalent to self-confidence. It has a lot more power and impact than you would think.