Author: barcelsa

  • Two puffins arguing with each other.

    Feedback as a Friend

    Learn why people have a hard time using feedback to revise their papers, and the steps to move forward once you’ve received your feedback.

  • The photo depicts multiple people out in public with their phones in their hands.

    Technology literacy

    Recognize how technology is changing the way teachers teach, how technology influences us and the pros and cons to technology in the classroom.

  • A photo of various forms of technology and digital media used for communication, such as a phone, book, letter, camera, tape etc.

    Multiple Literacies is the Key

    Explore how and why teachers should move on from the practices of the past, and instead embrace technology, rather than be afraid of it.

  • a black notebook, which could symbolize writers block or the beginning of the writing process.

    Why Study Writing?

    Perhaps there isn’t a class that can teach you how to write, but knowing where to begin in the writing process is a good start.