Author: Alix Hernandez

  • Choose your words tiles

    Grammar Is Important

    Grammar is important for everyone and America needs to learn about other countries and maybe their views will be different.

  • Document Design

    Knowing how to design your work makes it more attractive and appealing whether it is an essay, resume or article you will be more effective.

  • Multitasking and Technology

    Technology is very distracting. You can not multitask while using technology and being in school or doing other things.

  • Collaborations

    Having a successful collaboration can happen as long as you and your partner or group have the same goals and understandings.

  • The Writing Process

    The writing process is different for everyone. It is very beneficial to think about how you write in order to improve your writing.

  • First Drafts

    People’s first drafts aren’t always so great in fact some may say shitty and not even the greatest writers first drafts are good too.

  • Different Ways to Think About When Writing

    We get stuck with the rules in writing that we were taught back in gradeschool. Using these metaphors will help you get out of that cycle.

  • Writing with Identity and Authority

    Both of the articles show us how to write with identity and authority. The articles go over writing for school or your workplace.

  • Discourse Communities

    Discourse communities and speech communities are two different communities. Using feedback the correct way can help you accomplish so much.

  • How To Find Your Writing Style And Voice

    Finding your style and voice is important in order to become a proficient writer. The more you write the better you will write.