Multitask can damage you




Lets admit that we all try to multitask before or try to multitask thinking it well end up well but turns out being totally the opposite. In this society, we often multitask to get the job done faster but we don’t relazied that we are not robots. Our brain can only focus on one thing at a time.

Multitask can damage you

Studies shows that multitask can damage your brain. studies also shows that people who multitask a lot perform badly than the ones that do it once a while. According to the articles it says, “The frequent multitaskers performed worse because they had more trouble organizing their thoughts and filtering out irrelevant information, and they were slower at switching from one task to another”. that was a new information for me because I would’ve thought the people that multitask the most are more likely to get everything correct and organized since they are used to it. I tried to multitask while I’m driving and eating a burger but I tried to put ketchup in the burger while I’m on the phone and driving, basically I tried to do three things all at once and realized that i almost got into a car accident so I never multitask anymore after that.

I believed that multitask can damage and unorganized your task. Most of us are impatience so that why multitask are common because we want everything to be done as soon as possible. a brain can take a lot of information but it cant information from difference places all at once.


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